Showing posts with label Thyroid Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thyroid Cancer. Show all posts

Thyroid Cancer Survival Rate - Depending on Types and Stages of the Cancer

In case you are wondering the normal thyroid cancer survival rate, there's nothing to worry about due to its high survival rate. It can be regarded a cancer but not as critical as leukemia and breast cancer. The five year survival rate is 95%. That means there exists a very high chance for someone to get treated with this cancer. However, you must not stay confident about this condition. You need to go to a doctor as soon as this cancer is detected so you can have immediate treatment. Plus, you get to spend a much cheaper medical expense if you get treated during the early stages.

Thyroid cancer mostly affects women than men. Based on results, it is really hard to give an absolute explanation as to why women mostly get this condition than men. Despite the fact that, the causes of this cancer are the same in each case. It must be about hereditary or radiation exposure.

The four categories of thyroid cancer are papillary thyroid cancer, follicular thyroid cancer, medulla thyroid cancer, and anapestic thyroid cancer. All these categories have their own thyroid cancer survival rate.

Papillary thyroid cancer is the most common type. Needless to say, it's the type of thyroid cancer that is easily cured. According to the stages, papillary thyroid cancer survival rates range from nearly 100% to 50%. The early stages have a high survival rate until 99%. The survival rate of stage 3 lowers down to 93% but the last stage is only 50%.

Follicular thyroid is a more critical one than papillary. The survival rate of follicular during the early stages has the same papillary thyroid cancer survival rate. If it reaches the third stage, the rate lowers down to 70%. The final stage is the lowest which is 50%.

The third type of thyroid cancer is medulla thyroid cancer which is mostly due to hereditary. Because of the probability of affecting the lymph nodes, the overall medulla thyroid cancer survival rate is 85%. Stage 3 decreases to 80%. The minimum survival rate of this type is 28% when it already reaches the final stage.

The fourth kind of thyroid cancer is anapestic. This is very popular in both men and women over 60. This kind has the lowest rate among other cancers. The survival rate of the first and second stages is between 90 to 80%. The stage 3 thyroid cancer survival rate lowers down from 40 to 60%. Once it reaches stage 4, the survival rate is only 10%.

It doesn't matter what type or stage of the cancer you have, it is suggested to get treatment right away. You should not be hesitant to get diagnosis and treatment immediately. To put it briefly, the thyroid cancer survival rates are either high or low. Anyway, the high or low rate does not matter. The important is to have treatment once the illness is diagnosed. 

The best topic which you can discuss or learn about this specific topic is the presence of treatments. The most popular and general method of treatment of this cancer is surgery. Depending on the case, there may be an additional treatment through chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The thyroid cancer survival rate has actually improved because of the advancement in treatments.